[an error occurred while processing the directive][an error occurred while processing the directive][an error occurred while processing the directive]

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.402343s.296876-76.5 1.5-103.398438c1.097657-25 5.296876-38.5 8.796876-47.5 4.101562-11.101562 10.601562-21.199219 19.203124-29.402343 8.296876-8.5 18.296876-15 29.398438-19.097657 9-3.5 22.601562-7.699219 47.5-8.800781 27-1.199219 35.101562-1.5 103.398438-1.5 68.402343 0 76.5.300781 103.402343 1.5 25 1.101562 38.5 5.300781 47.5 8.800781 11.097657 4.097657 21.199219 10.597657 29.398438 19.097657 8.5 8.300781 15 18.300781 19.101562 29.402343 3.5 9 7.699219 22.597657 8.800781 47.5 1.199219 27 1.5 35.097657 1.5 103.398438s-.300781 76.300781-1.5 103.300781zm0 0"/>
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