Vídeo mostra tornado que atingiu a China e matou ao menos seis pessoas
Cerca de 200 pessoas ficaram feridas
A damaged car is seen a day after a tornado hit the area in Kaiyuan in Chinas northeastern Liaoning province on July 4, 2019. - A tornado has left six people dead and nearly 200 injured after ripping through a northeastern Chinese city, local authorities said on July 4. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUTAFP
Pequim - Ao menos seis pessoas morreram e quase 200 ficaram feridas na passagem de um tornado pela cidade de Kaiyuan, no nordeste da China, informaram, nesta quinta-feira, as autoridades locais. Dos feridos, 43 foram hospitalizadas, anunciou o Bureau de Segurança Pública da cidade na rede social Weibo.
Galeria de Fotos
Houses damaged by a tornado are seen at an industrial park in Kaiyuan in China's northeastern Liaoning province on July 4, 2019. - A tornado has left six people dead and nearly 200 injured after ripping through a northeastern Chinese city, local authorities said on July 4. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT
An inside view of a house damaged by a tornado at an industrial park in Kaiyuan in China's northeastern Liaoning province on July 4, 2019. - A tornado has left six people dead and nearly 200 injured after ripping through a northeastern Chinese city, local authorities said on July 4. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT
People search amongst houses damaged by a tornado at an industrial park in Kaiyuan in China's northeastern Liaoning province on July 4, 2019. - A tornado has left six people dead and nearly 200 injured after ripping through a northeastern Chinese city, local authorities said on July 4. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT
This photo taken on July 3, 2019 shows a tornado in Kaiyuan, in China's northeastern Liaoning province. - A tornado has left six people dead and nearly 200 injured after ripping through a northeastern Chinese city, local authorities said on July 4. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT
This photo taken on July 3, 2019 shows workers checking a telegraph pole damaged by a tornado in Kaiyuan, in China's northeastern Liaoning province. - A tornado has left six people dead and nearly 200 injured after ripping through a northeastern Chinese city, local authorities said on July 4. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT
A woman watches from a broken window a day after a tornado hit the area in Kaiyuan in China's northeastern Liaoning province on July 4, 2019. - A tornado has left six people dead and nearly 200 injured after ripping through a northeastern Chinese city, local authorities said on July 4. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT
A damaged car is seen a day after a tornado hit the area in Kaiyuan in China's northeastern Liaoning province on July 4, 2019. - A tornado has left six people dead and nearly 200 injured after ripping through a northeastern Chinese city, local authorities said on July 4. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT
A woman walks past the debris a day after a tornado hit the area in Kaiyuan in China's northeastern Liaoning province on July 4, 2019. - A tornado has left six people dead and nearly 200 injured after ripping through a northeastern Chinese city, local authorities said on July 4. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT
Ventos extremamente violentos atingiram Kaiyuan, na província de Liaoning, derrubando árvores e postes de eletricidade, quebrando janelas e arrancando telhados na tarde de quarta-feira. No Twitter, vídeos mostram a força do tornado e o rastro de destruição deixado pelo fenômeno natural.